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Black Holes in Galaxies: Experimental Evidence & Cosmic Evolution

TYPESpecial Event
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel
Affiliation:Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Organizer:Shmuel Bialy
Time:15:30 - 16:30
Location:Lidow Asher Peres (502)

About a century after Albert Einstein's presentation of General Relativity and Karl Schwarzschild's first solution, have three experimental techniques made remarkable progress in proving the existence of the Schwarzschild/Kerr black hole solution. I will describe the impressive progress of high resolution near-infrared and radio imaging and interferometry, and of precision measurements of gravitational waves in the Galactic Center and other galaxies. I will then discuss what we now know about the cosmic co-evolution and growth of galaxies and black holes, and finish with the riddle of massive black holes detected by JWST only a few hundred Myrs after the Big Bang.